戸簾隼人(トミスハヤト)は滋賀大学大学院データサイエンス研究科 義久研究室に所属している、IoTデータサイエンスを専攻する大学院生です。また、立命館大学 グラスルーツ・イノベーションプログラムの山中グループ、私設研究所の一般社団法人インパクトラボにも所属しています。
Hayato TOMISU is a Master student at the Shiga University, Yoshihisa-lab. He is a IoT (Internet of Things) datascience researcher. He also belongs to the Yamanaka Group of the Grassroots Innovation Program at Ritsumeikan University and the Impact Lab, a general incorporated association of private research institutes.
Until entering his master course, he worked on developing bio reactor and researching about water purelification, especially nitrification and denitrification for RAS(Recirculating Aquaculture Systems).
Since entering the master course, his research interests have moved onto the cross-disciplinary field of IoT datascience, XR technology, manufacturing automation, and data-driven education. Now he has especially been working on prediction and suggestion for safety cycling.